How God is Always Ahead of Us in Our Life Journey?

How God is Always Ahead of Us in Our Life Journey?

We end up in places where we feel like we don’t belong. It could be a new job, a new neighborhood, or a tough time in life. In these times, we often feel lost and want someone to guide us and make us feel better. In today’s story, Jesus and His friends went to a … Read more

Seeing Clearly & Find Strength in Faith

Seeing Clearly & Find Strength in Faith

Somedays, we might feel scared or sad. We also try to find out why things happen. These things can make us feel alone and worried. But, when we believe, it makes us feel better and gives us strong help. When we talk about how to tell others about Jesus, we need to talk about what … Read more

How Many Loaves Do You Have? “Mark 6:38″

How Many Loaves Do You Have? “Mark 6:38″

In the part of the Bible from Mark 6:30-44, we hear about Jesus doing something amazing. Jesus feeds five thousand people. This story shows both a big miracle and normal, everyday things, showing how God’s actions mix with what people do. Understanding the Scene Jesus and his friends had come back from a trip. They … Read more

Do You Want to Feel Better?

Do You Want to Feel Better?

Starting to believe in something can be scary. We like things we know even if they are hard. But Jesus asks us to change and trust Him. He can make our lives better in ways we can’t think of. Imagine a man who sat by a pool for 38 years. He could only think about … Read more

Will We Sleep in Heaven?

Will We Sleep in Heaven?

Today, we will talk about a big question: Will we need to sleep in heaven? Here on Earth, we need to sleep. Sleep helps us feel better and gives us energy. Sometimes, it is hard to sleep at night because we are worried or too busy. But, when we wake up in the morning, we … Read more

The Blessedness of God’s People

The Blessedness of God’s People

There are moments in life where we all grapple with feelings of uncertainty or loss. Perhaps it’s an unsettling change at work, a relationship that seems to be slipping away, or simply the weariness of the daily grind. It’s in these moments that we find ourselves searching for something steady and constant, a beacon of … Read more

Drawing Strength from God in Times of Uncertainty

Drawing Strength from God in Times of Uncertainty

We often face moments in our lives filled with uncertainty and doubt. Whether it be grappling with life’s unexpected challenges, feeling the weight of loss, or navigating periods of transition, these times can leave us feeling vulnerable and alone. But amidst these trials, we are invited to draw upon a source of strength that never … Read more

How to Actively Trust God and Grow Your Faith?

How to Actively Trust God and Grow Your Faith?

Have you ever found yourself in a season of waiting? Perhaps you’re waiting for a new job, healing from an illness, or an answer to a long-term prayer. Waiting can be one of the most challenging aspects of life, filling us with feelings of uncertainty and restlessness. Yet, it is in these moments of pause … Read more

How Waiting on God’s Perfect Timing Builds Faith and Hope?

How Waiting on God’s Perfect Timing Builds Faith and Hope?

We’ve all been there waiting for an answer to a heartfelt prayer and feeling uncertain about how long it will take for God’s response to come. It’s a universal experience. After pouring out our deepest desires, the silence can become almost unbearable, tempting us to doubt, or to concoct backup plans just in case He … Read more

Finding Strength in Doing Good

Finding Strength in Doing Good

Have you ever felt utterly exhausted, not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually? In our fast-paced world, it can be challenging not to grow weary of doing good. The constant demands of life, the seemingly endless brokenness around us, and the overwhelming needs can easily drain our energies. Maybe you’ve experienced days when you’re ready … Read more