We end up in places where we feel like we don’t belong. It could be a new job, a new neighborhood, or a tough time in life. In these times, we often feel lost and want someone to guide us and make us feel better.
In today’s story, Jesus and His friends went to a place where most people did not believe in God. Jesus’ friends did not know much about the people there, so they might have felt strange. While they were there, they met a woman. Her daughter was very sick because of a bad spirit.
Jesus said something that was hard to understand at first. He told her that He was sent to help the Jewish people first, so it looked like He wasn’t going to help her. But she showed how much she believed in Him by what she said back to Him. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table” (Matthew 15:27, NIV). A mom believed a Jesus help could make her child better. Jesus saw her strong belief and made her child well right away.
Read Also: Who Is It You Are Looking for?
This story teaches us an important lesson about believing in God and seeing Him in our lives. Sometimes, seeing what God does is not about talking about Him; it’s about noticing where He is already working.
“Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” – Matthew 15:27
Where do you see God moving and making people believe more, wonder, and hope? Maybe it’s in the nice things strangers do, in the quiet times when you think alone, or in the strength of someone going through tough times. God is often there before we notice, gently working inside the people around us.
Dear God, help us see where you are working today and around us. Help us do good things with your help. Amen.
Let’s hope that, like the woman looking for tiny pieces of good things, the smallest signs of God being close can change our lives and the lives of people around us.