Do You Want to Feel Better?

Starting to believe in something can be scary. We like things we know even if they are hard. But Jesus asks us to change and trust Him. He can make our lives better in ways we can’t think of.

Imagine a man who sat by a pool for 38 years. He could only think about one thing all that time. One day, Jesus asked him, “Do you want to get better?” Instead of saying “yes,” the man said why he couldn’t get better. He was thinking about old things and couldn’t see the new good things Jesus wanted to give him. Sometimes, we also do the same thing.

When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, ‘Do you want to get well?‘” (John 5:6 NIV)

Jesus’ question is not just a simple question. It is a big chance to think about a new and better life. But, like the man at the pool, we sometimes think that God can only do small things because of what happened before. We are used to our problems and maybe can’t see a life where Jesus makes everything better.

Read Also: Will We Sleep in Heaven?

When God gives us a chance to change, we might feel scared and think:

  • I’ve always had this problem.
  • Nothing ever gets better for me.
  • I’m too broken to be fixed.

But Jesus wants to give us more than we can imagine. He sees past what we think we can’t do and wants to help and heal us. We need to remember that the one who asks us to change is our Creator, our Healer, our Friend. Jesus loves us very much and knows everything about us. He asks us to trust Him and try something new.

Today, stop relying on what you know so well. Open your heart to Jesus asking, “Do you want to be better?” and say “yes” with trust. Let Him change your life in amazing ways.

Lord Jesus, please forgive us when we think you can only do what we understand. Help us to see things like you do and to say yes when you ask us to do something. Amen.

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