Finding Peace With These 8+ Short Prayers for “Anxiety”

Anxiety feels like a big weight on our chests. It makes it hard to breathe. Many of us feel a lot of worry and fear. This can be too much to handle. At these times, Short Prayers for Anxiety can help a lot. Praying is not just saying words. It is a way to feel calm and find peace. When we pray, we feel stronger. It helps us face the unknown with trust and courage.

The Power of Prayer in Overcoming Anxiety

Prayer is like a safe place where we can rest from the busy and tiring parts of our day. It helps us take a moment to think and feel close to someone greater than us. When we pray, we remember we are not by ourselves. We can ask for help, comfort, and strength. This makes us feel lighter and brings back our calmness.

The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer helps us feel calm when we are worried. It says:

God, please help me to stay calm when there are things I can’t change.
Give me the bravery to change the things I can.
And give me the know-how to see the difference. Amen.

This prayer helps us feel safe when life is messy. It reminds us to focus on what we can do and let go of what we can’t do.

Prayers to Lean on During Anxiety

Prayer to Trust in God’s Plan

Dear God,

When I feel sad and everything is too much, please give me peace. Bring me to You because You are strong like a rock. Help me read Your words that make me feel strong and safe. Help me face my pain and trust that You are good and powerful.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for Strength in Tough Times (Philippians 4:7)

Dear God,

I am feeling scared and worried about what will happen. Please give me the power to keep going and help me see that You are helping with everything. Let Your plan happen in my life, and please lead me to a calm and happy path.


Prayer for Comfort and Relief from Worry

Dear God in Heaven,

Many things in my life are not going well. I have a lot of worries and problems, and they make me feel sad and heavy. Even though I want to give my worries to You, I usually take them back, which makes me feel more worried and stressed. Please help me to learn how to give my worries to You and to trust You.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for Peace Over Worry

Dear God,

Help me wait with patience. Help me know what to do and when to do it. Then, help me rest well, even when I want to work and worry. Give me peace, and teach me to trust You while I wait for You to answer my prayers.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Read Also; 5+ Strong & Short Prayers for My Family

Prayer to Replace Struggle with Joy

Dear God,

You know all my secrets and the dark places in my heart. God, I feel tired, stressed, and not good enough for Your love. Help me let go of the things that hold me back. Give me Your happiness instead of my struggles. I want to be happy again. I want to be with You and enjoy the life You gave me. Thank you, God. You are the best gift ever. Fill me with Your joy, because I believe Your joy gives me strength.

Thank You, God … In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Learning to Talk to God

Talking to God every day can help when we feel scared or worried. By praying, we can feel calm and strong. We can use special prayers or just talk to God in our own words. This makes us feel better.

Suggested Daily Prayers for Managing Anxiety

Morning Prayer

Dear God,

As I wake up today, help me not to worry and make my heart calm. Show me the way and give me the courage to believe in Your plans.


Evening Prayer

Dear God,

Thank You for being with me today. As I go to sleep, help me not to worry and let me sleep well because I know You are watching over me.


Always talking to God through prayer helps us face life’s problems. The Holy Spirit helps us, turning our deep worries into something God understands. Even if we can’t say our feelings or don’t know what to say, God knows our hearts.

May these prayers give us peace and strength, helping us go through life with faith and calm.

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