Will We Sleep in Heaven?

Today, we will talk about a big question: Will we need to sleep in heaven?

Here on Earth, we need to sleep. Sleep helps us feel better and gives us energy. Sometimes, it is hard to sleep at night because we are worried or too busy. But, when we wake up in the morning, we feel fresh and ready for the new day.

When we go from living here to being with God forever, the Bible doesn’t say exactly what will happen. We know that some things, like being married, will be different in heaven (Matthew 22:30). But, the Bible doesn’t tell us everything, like if we will sleep. This can make us curious or worried, but we can feel safe by trusting God even when we don’t know everything.

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” – Revelation 21:4

Consider this: the promise of Revelation 21:4 assures us that in God’s presence, all that troubles us now will be gone. While we don’t have explicit knowledge about sleep in heaven, we do have a rock-solid promise of eternal peace and rest.

Think about this: Revelation 21:4 in the Bible tells us that when we are with God, all the things that make us sad or worried now will be gone. We don’t know if we will sleep in heaven, but we do know that we will feel happy and calm forever.

Faith is like an anchor that keeps us safe when everything is scary and uncertain. Even if we don’t know everything right now, faith keeps us hopeful and trusting in God’s love and wisdom.

When we go through our day, we often feel unsure about what will happen. But we should remember that God gives us true rest and makes us feel better. Every night, when we go to bed, let’s give our worries to Him. We should remember that He gives us peace forever.

Read Also: Drawing Strength from God in Times of Uncertainty


Dear God, you made us in a very special way. Help us to trust you all the time, especially when we sleep. We want to serve you and be with you in heaven. Please give us peace every night and fill our hearts with the hope of one day resting with you. Amen.

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